Practical Insights for Proactive Legal Readiness

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“VR is a topic of increasing interest to entrepreneurs, and it raises very unique and novel legal issues. We're excited for our members to have the opportunity to attend a special meeting of the minds on the legal challenges facing the virtual reality industry,” says Eli A. Shalam, President of the Harvard Law Entrepreneurship Project.

VR and AR are predicted to reach a combined market size of $150 billion by 2020. As is the case with new hyper-growth technology industries, there are new legal concerns. From patent infringement and intellectual property to product liability, there are emerging legal frameworks to be considered. As the industry leader in market intelligence for the global virtual reality economy, we have brought together leading legal professionals from across the globe to provide practical insights on potential legal challenges the industry may face in 2016 and beyond.

Highlights of the upcoming webinar will include:

  • History of related legal issues dating from the inception of VPL Research (1984) to present day concerns
  • Discuss legal compliance issues familiar to non-VR businesses (e.g. intellectual property, product liability), as well as those particularly applicable to VR (such as virtual assault)
  • Discuss considerations related to international project financing and cross-board content distribution
  • Consider the implications of a product manufacturer or content owner’s ability to gather rich and varied data about a user’s activity, and the resulting privacy and legal implications

To register for this special webinar on The Past, Present & Future of VR Law, visit:

Moderator & Panelists:

Jack Russo, Founding Partner, COMPUTERLAW GROUP LLP

Mr. Russo is a frequent speaker on computer law issues and has given presentations to the American Bar Association, the Practicing Law Institute, the Computer Law Association, and the San Francisco Bay Area Intellectual Property American Inn of Court. Mr. Russo serves as an arbitrator, mediator, and early neutral evaluator for the U.S. District Court (N.D. California), the Santa Clara County Superior Court, and the American Arbitration Association, as well as a Judge Pro Tempore of the Santa Clara County Superior Court. Mr. Russo specializes in Internet, computer law, and intellectual property litigation. In addition, Mr. Russo is in charge of the Firm's entrepreneurship practice.

Daniel Tozer, Partner, HARBOTTLE & LEWIS LLP

Daniel leads the commercial technology practice, working with companies from startups to multinationals in relation to intellectual property, technology, data protection and commercial issues. He is passionate about helping businesses to create, implement, launch and deliver innovative products and services. Dan was the key legal advisor in the negotiations which brought the iPhone and iPad to Vodafone UK and across the world. He also led two critical projects for the Vodafone legal function: Shorter Simpler Contracts, a cultural change program which delivered real savings in time-to-contract with a risk-aware (rather than risk-averse) approach; and the project which created Vodafone’s first external legal panel.