Sony’s Virtual Reality Headset Has Strongest Unaided Awareness

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We're currently analyzing the data from 2,300 U.S. consumers, including kids, millennials, and parents, regarding their experience, preferences, and purchase intentions for virtual reality products and applications.

One insight we found is that although Oculus has the attention of millennials, a strong indicator of future commercial success, Sony’s Playstation VR should not be overlooked as a major platform contender. In fact, the PSVR had the strongest unaided consumer awareness from our sample. 

Source: Greenlight VR & Touchstone Research

While Sony has a slight edge, no one brand has strong advantage and it is essentially wide open between Sony, Samsung and Oculus for capturing share of mind.

Stay tuned for more consumer insights as we unveil our 2015 Consumer Report, which can be purchased here.