Spending on CAVE and Dome Displays to Exceed $800 Million by 2023, According to Greenlight Insights

Alexandra Vidger Press Releases

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New report finds Volumetric, Autostereoscopic and Transparent Displays making significant inroads in non-head-mounted display marketplace.

San Francisco, August 13, 2019 — Worldwide sales fo CAVE and dome displays are expected to reach $825 million by 2023, according to a new report from Greenlight Insights, the global leader in virtual and augmented market intelligence. Greenlight Insights’ annual Immersive Displays Industry Report investigates the broad range of displays currently available, more than 60 top manufacturers and solution vendors, and key trends driving innovation in the non-head-mounted display marketplace. 

This past year, the biggest news in virtual and augmented reality (xR) has been about new and improved head-mounted displays from Facebook, HTC, Magic Leap, and many others. But large-format displays in flat or curved configurations, such as Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVEs) and domes, offer higher resolutions, enable larger fields of view, and are more accommodating of business and social activities.

“Since they were invented in the early 1990’s, CAVEs have been the preferred display system for professional teams working in virtual reality, Now, domes, cylinders, and video walls are also being used by many enterprises to facilitate collaborative work,” says Ben Delaney, Chief Analyst at Greenlight Insights. “This report shows the impact of immersive displays expanding rapidly around the world. As a value-add, this report describes several on-the-horizon display technologies that industry leaders will want to have on their radar." 

The 2019 Immersive Displays Industry Report offers Greenlight Insights’ proprietary forecast of the size and growth of spending on dome and CAVE displays worldwide and provides competitive intelligence and other market analysis to help manufacturers, application developers, end-users, and other stakeholders understand this under-reported, but extremely important sector of display technology. 

The displays included in this report are:

  • CAVEs: Three to six-walled rectangular enclosures with walls made of display screens. 
  • Domes: Semi-spherical, enclosed display systems providing 360° fields of view, with displays sometimes converging at the apex. 
  • Cylinders: Cylindrical display systems providing 360° fields of view.
  • Video Walls: Large flat displays, often comprised of a number of tiled display screens. 
  • Volumetric: Systems such as light field displays that seem to create an object in space that can be viewed from any location around it.
  • Autostereoscopic: Displays that provide a 3D image to the viewer without the need for glasses or other eyewear.
  • Transparent LFDs: Large Format Displays that can be seen through. When inoperative, these displays look like windows, but when in use, they provide a large, bright image.

The 2019 Immersive Displays Industry Report is available now. For more information visit, greenlightinsights.com/reports/2019-immersive-displays-industry-report, phone 415-854-3282, or email hello@greenlightinsights.com to order the report.

About Greenlight Insights

Greenlight Insights provides proprietary market research, consulting, and events about the future of virtual and augmented reality. Greenlight Insights delivers critical strategic insights to the world's leading technology companies, publishers, service providers, institutional investors, and government entities. 

Based in San Francisco, with offices in Boston and Denver, Greenlight Insights comprises a diverse team of highly-skilled industry professionals who offer deep expertise in virtual and augmented reality. For more information, visit greenlightinsights.com.