VIVECON 2021: Why HTC Is All-In On HTC Vive Pro 2 and Vive Focus 3

J.C. Kuang, Analyst Devices & Technology, Enterprise Transformation, Events, Head-Mounted Displays, Insight Articles, Virtual Reality, Virtual Reality Intelligence Service

HTC Vive will launch a new piece of VR hardware at its online product event, VIVECON, on May 11-12.  Based on reporting from media outlets, it is likely the company is teasing an upgrade/refresh to the Vive Focus Plus and Vive Pro; HTC released the first headset in April 2019, and unofficially discontinued and replaced the second with the Vive … Read More

Demonstrating Value in Standalone VR

Join J.C. Kuang, Analyst at Greenlight Insights, for an in-depth survey of current and future offerings of standalone hardware, as well as an in-depth analysis of the effects of the sector on the broader VR industry.

xRS Asia 2020

Greenlight Insights xRS Asia 2020

Back to Register Now Good news! xRS Asia End of Year Savings prices extended until Jan 20. Save now. xRS Asia is China’s top AR/VR/MR executive strategy conference and expo produced by Greenlight Insights, the global leader in virtual and augmented reality market intelligence Shanghai, China July 2, 2020 Overview While many traditional industry players are looking at AR/VR/XR … Read More

5G, Cloud, and Augmented & Virtual Reality

Join JC Kuang, Analyst at Greenlight Insights, to receive our latest forecasts of the main functions of next-gen networking within virtual and augmented reality applications for both consumers and the enterprise.