3 Strategic Questions for Travel Marketers Using Virtual Reality

Greenlight Insights Consumer Insights, Insight Articles, Media & Entertainment, Virtual Reality

I recently shared my take of how travel marketers are using virtual reality to promote their businesses in a Travel Weekly feature article. In this follow up piece, I share three strategic questions marketers seeking to create travel-based virtual reality experiences should consider. Who is my target audience and what are my ROI expectations? In our consumer research, we’ve seeing strong interest … Read More

Greenlight Insights Analysts to Attend VRLA Winter 2016

Greenlight Insights Media & Entertainment, Press Releases, Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality Los Angeles (VRLA) is the biggest virtual reality expo event in Los Angeles, home to one of the largest communities of VR developers, enthusiasts, and pioneers worldwide. Starting by a small group of USC undergraduates in July 2014 with just 130 attendees, VRLA has quickly become the world’s largest virtual reality expo. This January, Greenlight VR analysts will attend the VRLA Winter Expo, where over 72 … Read More

What Will Be The Impact of Introducing 360 Video on Apple TV?

Greenlight Insights Imaging & Video, Insight Articles, Media & Entertainment

Apple hasn’t explicitly announced a product strategy that involves virtual reality, but Greenlight VR expect the super secretive company to be a significant player in the mid- to long-term. That’s why our analysts were not surprised by the recent announcement by Littlstar, a content distribution network dedicated exclusively to virtual reality, 360 video, and immersive experiences, that it was integrating … Read More

Why Music Matters To Virtual Reality

Greenlight Insights Apps & Games, Insight Articles, Media & Entertainment, Virtual Reality

In light of the media’s coverage of leading game developer, Harmonix, recasting Rock Band for virtual reality, we want to provide extra analyst perspective on the important topic of exclusive content in virtual reality. Clifton Dawson, CEO at Greenlight Insights: “Exclusive content is very important for any new entertainment medium as a mechanism to attract mainstream consumers to unfamiliar platforms. And as a new medium for … Read More

Virtual Reality To Drive Audience Engagement For Television Series

Greenlight Insights Consumer Insights, Media & Entertainment

We believe live entertainment and television are important business technology markets for the virtual reality industry, and expect production companies and networks to find novel uses of virtual reality to drive engagement for TV audiences. Why? Based on our research, we understand that young consumers with a strong affinity for technology are acutely aware and excited for the impending arrival of virtual reality headsets. (All … Read More

#VRCONSUMERS: What We Know About Consumers

Greenlight Insights Media & Entertainment

Together with Touchstone Research, we are embarking on a landmark study of 2,250 U.S. survey respondents about their awareness and preferences for virtual reality products. The 2015 U.S. VR Consumer Survey will contain 100+ pages of quantitative and qualitative analysis, charts, graphs, tables, and expert research to illuminate what kids, millennials, and parents know, want and are willing to purchase. As we … Read More