Now Available: Virtual Reality 2017 TrendPack

Greenlight Insights’ Virtual Reality 2017 TrendPack gives you everything you need to leverage the latest data and analysis for virtual reality.
- Learn how changing consumer attitudes about virtual reality open up new commercial opportunities.
- Understand why virtual reality content now requires a strategy for out-of-home distribution.
- Look ahead through 2021 with our worldwide head-mounted display sales forecasts.
- Tap into marketer and consumer trends for virtual reality branded content.
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Get four must-read reports

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A brief overview of each report included in the Virtual Reality 2017 TrendPack:

KEY STAT: We expect 59.3 million HMDs to be shipped in 2018 and project the number of headset shipments will grow at double-digit compound annual growth over the forecast period.

The use of virtual reality equipment at location-based entertainment, shopping malls, tourist destinations, and other venues is on the rise across the globe. This report includes Greenlight Insights’ latest forecast for venue penetration and spending worldwide. The projections run through 2022 and include breakouts by region.
KEY STAT: Total spending on hardware, software, content, and related services at location-based virtual reality venues will grow at double-digitcompound annual growth over the next five years.

KEY STAT: 75% of developer respondents expect their company to earn less than $1M from their VR business activity.