How Do We Predict the Future?

Greenlight InsightsAnalysis, Industry Monitor

Answer: We do it with the help of hundreds of industry experts who are involved in the building the future of the virtual reality industry.

Greenlight VR’s process is unique. Based on the Delphi Method, a structured communication technique originally developed as a systematic, interactive forecasting method including a panel of experts, Greenlight VR surveys thousands of virtual reality industry executives around the globe in the Virtual Reality Industry Monitor™.

After each survey round, an anonymous summary of the participants’ forecasts from the previous rounds are provided for judgment. Participants are encouraged to revise their earlier answers in light of the replies of other members of the group. During this process the range of the answers will decrease and the group will converge towards the "correct" answer.

The anonymized data from thousands of surveys provide insights on market adoption expectations, product release cycles, revenue models, and more.

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Are you an industry executive? Join the Virtual Reality Industry Monitor panel now. As a panelist, you will have access to results that we collect to use in your strategic planning and share with your colleagues. We share only cumulative answers with panel members. We do not disclose any individual results or identity. Also, as a panelist, you can recommend topics and statements/questions for future panels. So, if you have something you are wondering about, let us know and we’ll try to include it in a future study. Panels are typically conducted on a quarterly basis.

To join our panel of experts, complete this form and we’ll contact you regarding the status of our next panel.




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