One Giant Leap: How The Lumin SDK Will Affect Enterprise AR

J.C. Kuang, Analyst Devices & Technology, Enterprise Transformation

After a series of announcements over the past few months, Magic Leap has once again become buzzworthy with the release of its Lumin SDK. The software tools contained therein promise to bring many new and exciting features that have never before been implemented in AR hardware. From a robust runtime environment that can run multiple applications in the same physical … Read More

Hololens, Machine Learning, and The Future of Augmented Reality

J.C. Kuang, Analyst Augmented Reality, Insight Articles

In a market finding its footing through highly specialized hardware / software ecosystems, what killer app feature can Hololens, the original AR workhorse, use to cut through the competition? Microsoft’s next-generation holographic processing unit, powered by machine learning, could prove to be a game-changer. The future of AR at the moment is bright, but still riddled with uncertainty. Future developments … Read More

Magic Leap Reveals Smart Glasses, Shows Future of Spatial Computing

Glenn Sanders Enterprise Transformation, Insight Articles

Magic Leap Machine Learning

This week, Magic Leap revealed details of their long-anticipated smart glasses.  While application developers will have to wait until next year to get their hands on developer kits, it has become much more clear how Magic Leap’s new mixed reality (“MR”) smart glasses will transform key business functions through enabling a new era of spatial computing. How Magic Leap’s Smart … Read More

Why Magic Leap’s Deep SLAM Tracking Algorithm Is A Major Leap Forward

Greenlight Insights Augmented Reality, Insight Articles

Magic Leap Machine Learning

Last week, Magic Leap, the Google and Alibaba-funded startup valued at $4.5 billion, released a research paper demonstrating a major breakthrough in computer vision and its SLAM tracking algorithm. The Plantation, FL-based company’s technology superimposes 3D computer-generated imagery over real world objects by projecting a digital light field directly into the eye. Magic Leap is widely considered one of the … Read More