Interactive Narratives Bring New Depth to xR Storytelling

Alexis Macklin, Research Manager Augmented Reality, Augmented Reality Intelligence Service, Imaging & Video, Insight Articles, Location-Based xR Intelligence Service, Media & Entertainment, Virtual Reality, Virtual Reality Intelligence Service

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Over the last few years, subscription video on demand (SVOD) has created a platform where viewers could watch an almost endless library of content whenever they wanted, taking control away from broadcasters and cable companies. Now, interactive videos are primed to disrupt the entertainment ecosystem again.  

Interactive, choose-your-own-adventure content is turning a traditional production on its head, gamifying the experience. Netflix has released three interactive videos so far, with Black Mirror Bandersnatch being the most successful. After examining Netflix’s success so far, other SVOD providers are considering how they can incorporate or produce interactive videos.

Interactive stories are disrupting the traditional entertainment ecosystem, but will this type of content work for xR?

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