3 Projections About the Virtual Reality Industry

Greenlight VRAnalysis

We track thousands of companies in the virtual reality industry and turn our data into insights for innovating companies. While most of our data products are available for purchase, we always like to point people to stats that are publicly available and speak to the growth of the overall industry. Here are a few of our favorites: Digi-Capital Digi-Capital forecasts that the virtual and augmented reality industries will hit $150B in annual revenues by 2020, with AR taking the lion’s share at $120 billion. CB Insights CB Insights reports that investments in virtual and augmented reality companies have seen their most active quarter in 2015, with over 40 deals (and … Read More

Which North American Cities Have The Top Virtual Reality Communities?

Jeremy JoachimAnalysis

In our inaugural VR Industry Report: July 2015, we studied the top cities in North America with VR company headquarters and found that multiple cities had thriving ecosystems. Just how thriving? We decided to investigate by looking at the growth rates of top VR Meetups around the continent. Here’s what we found: Looking at the top North American Meetups involved in VR (as determined by meetup.com), we compiled each of their respective percent growths since the beginning of 2015. While we focused only on Meetups with at least a few hundred members, it is worth noting that one particular Meetup, … Read More

Re/Code Recap: VR Startups Brace for Slow Growth

Greenlight VRAnalysis

Greenlight VR was asked by Upload VR to create a presentation for the audience at their VR Demo Day event held in Mountain View, CA this week. The goal for their custom content was simple: Deliver a data-driven presentation for an audience of investors, startups, and press members who had traveled from all around the world. The presentation set off an immediate reaction on Twitter and was even covered by Re/Code. Nicholas Oocha, who presented the slides, said, “The slides were clutch, made my life so easy.” For your own research or custom content, contact us to learn more: www.greenlightvr.com/solutions/custom-content Click to download the full presentation (10 … Read More

Sharing VR Insights at Google’s Campus London

Greenlight VRAnalysis

We were invited to speak at Google’s Campus London this week (via Skype), joining a panel to discuss the current state of the virtual reality industry and what it means for those hoping to launch companies in VR. Here are some insights we shared with the assembled audience of entrepreneurs: 1. It’s Not Too Late — While it may seem like the industry is crowded by entrenched competitors, over half of all companies publicly offering products and services in the virtual reality industry are less than one year old. For VR/AR to mature into the $150B industry some analysts anticipate, it will take the participation … Read More

How Will Sports Companies Adapt To VR?

Greenlight VRAnalysis

We were invited to speak at the 2015 TV of Tomorrow Show in San Francisco this week, joining other panelist to speak about the future of sports entertainment. In this spirit, below is an Ecosystem Map to make visible some of the companies and organizations doing work in virtual reality and sports: Rights Owners What’s particularly interesting is that sports rights owners beyond the major four sports leagues have also recognized the emergent opportunity in virtual reality and have begun to capitalize. Monetization A majority of the VR sports companies (rights owners excluded) were founded within the last three years. … Read More