Global Forecasts

Global Forecasts Service (GFS) by Greenlight Insights is an advanced Excel forecast service designed to provide a complete, comparative view of our hardware and software forecasts across global regions.

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All forecasts are updated semi-annually and focus on worldwide coverage where available. They include discussion and analysis of market conditions, technologies, competitive environments, and product and market segment lifecycles that will impact growth rates.

Delivered in Excel, the VR and AR forecasts are presented in advanced, easy-to-use tables, charts, and graphs which enable you to visualize trends and easily export findings and charts for your presentations and reports.

Why Choose Greenlight?

  • Consistent outputs that you can trust, delivered by a robust analysis and five-year forecasting process and our longstanding and deep connection with the industry
  • Direct, on-demand access to senior analysts to clarify metrics and methodologies, add immediacy
  • Historical and projected data is presented via easy to use charts, graphs and tables enabling you to quickly gain comparative insights into market trends and dynamics. The tool is delivered in Excel enabling you to quickly export results and charts to your presentations and reports.
  • Want a demo? Talk to us now about our services