iPhone 11: Apple Lays Groundwork for Augmented Reality

J.C. Kuang, Analyst Augmented Reality, Augmented Reality Intelligence Service, Devices & Technology, Imaging & Video, Insight Articles, Telecommunications

Apple’s annual iPhone reveal event remains one of the most hotly anticipated events in the consumer technology industry. While the company is credited with popularizing and refining many of the key technologies which make up the current computing landscape, the iPhone event is the company’s opportunity to reassert its ability to innovate on the modern smartphone, in this year’s iPhone … Read More

Apple 3Q19 Earnings Recap: iPhone Maker to Continue Big Bet on Augmented Reality

Chelsea Mercer, Analyst Augmented Reality, Augmented Reality Intelligence Service, Devices & Technology, Insight Articles, Software

Apple’s ARKit: What it means and why it’s important

Last week, Cupertino, California-based Apple Inc. reported fiscal 3Q19 revenues of $53.81 billion, up 1% year-over-year and beating the $53.39 billion consensus estimate. While iPhone sales still account for half of the company revenues and the wearables segment exhibits hyper-growth, Apple’s management remains steadfast in building the world’s largest augmented reality-enabled platform.

With Intel Acquisition, Apple Prepares for 5G Adoption

J.C. Kuang, Analyst Augmented Reality, Augmented Reality Intelligence Service, Devices & Technology, Insight Articles, Semiconductors, Virtual Reality, Virtual Reality Intelligence Service

Several major media outlets reported on July 22nd that smartphone maker Apple may soon finalize the acquisition of Intel’s smartphone modem assets, including staff and intellectual property, to the tune of over $1 billion. The report suggests that the purchase could further strengthen the Cupertino, California-based company’s already considerable control over its supply chain.  Our Perspective  Despite the long road … Read More

Qualcomm Snapdragon 855+ is Next Shot Fired in SoC Arms Race

J.C. Kuang, Analyst Augmented Reality, Augmented Reality Intelligence Service, Devices & Technology, Insight Articles, Semiconductors

In a relatively rare development, silicon giant Qualcomm announced on July 15th that it will be releasing a mid-year update to its current flagship chip, the Snapdragon 855. Called simply the Snapdragon 855+, the new SoC delivers a moderate clock speed boost and improved graphics processing performance. Other similarities include the presence of dual cellular modems, as Qualcomm continues to … Read More

Apple’s Augmented Reality Roadmap: Is an HMD Still On The Way?

J.C. Kuang, Analyst Augmented Reality, Augmented Reality Intelligence Service, Devices & Technology, Head-Mounted Displays, Head-Up Displays, Insight Articles

Following a widely circulated report from online IT supply chain blog DigiTimes, major news outlets are reporting the alleged suspension of the hotly-anticipated discrete Apple Augmented Reality (AR) hardware. The speculation serves as an opportunity to examine how recent internal and external shakeups may have affected the company’s AR strategy. The likelihood that Apple would cease development on such a … Read More

The Amazing Race: How Stakeholders are Readying xR Platforms for Mass Adoption

J.C. Kuang, Analyst Augmented Reality, Augmented Reality Intelligence Service, Head-Mounted Displays, Insight Articles, Software, Virtual Reality, Virtual Reality Intelligence Service

The importance of platforms, defined here as centralized groups of apps, first-party services, operating systems, and hardware, cannot be overstated in evaluating the progress of companies driving the next wave of xR adoption. Many major companies in the VR and AR space have begun 2019 by making important advances in the race to build a complete and compelling platform for … Read More